Is it possible for today’s companies to succeed if they operate irresponsibly? We don’t think so, and our sustainability report provides proof that we’re committed to safe and responsible operations. This year’s report is ready, and it’s better than ever. Here are three reasons you’ll want to read it from cover to cover.
1. It’s different than the report you’re used to.
We took a fresh approach this year and combined our annual and sustainability reports into a single report: our 2015 Year in Review. It’s a step towards integrated reporting where we outline our financial, operating, environmental, safety and governance performance with the aim of demonstrating how Eldorado creates value while doing business responsibly.
We clearly set out our business strategy, our performance and targets, and how we aim to achieve these by a commitment to operational excellence throughout Eldorado. We also show how our operations contribute to the broader social and economic development of the communities and the countries where we do business.
2. It’s focused on the topics you’re most interested in.
This year we increased our level of disclosure on issues that matter the most to our stakeholders. Guided by engagement with our employees, shareholders, governments, communities, suppliers, industry associations and NGOs, we identified 13 topics as set out in the matrix below.
In particular, we focused on how we manage our environmental footprint through internal management systems; environmental monitoring; managing our inputs, such as water and energy use; and managing our outputs, such as our waste. We also talk about our reclamation activities and how we plan for mine closure.
Post engagement with Engineers Without Borders last year, we made it a priority to better share our approach to local procurement of goods and services.
3. It includes real-world stories of how we’ve put principle into practice.
Throughout the report you’ll find stories of how we’ve improved worker safety or implemented best practices in cyanide management. Talking about Eldorado’s approach to mining responsibly is one thing. These stories actually show how we do this through the actions that we take. You can check out our short “Spotlight” stories in our online version of the report.
Check out the full report below:
We look forward to hearing what you think of our 2015 Year in Review. Please feel free to leave us a comment here on our blog, or get in touch with us via our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.
Check out our website for more information on how we balance our responsibilities.